Aug 022012

"Take me out
To the ball game
Take me out
With the crowd
Buy me some peanuts
And Crackerjack
I don't care if
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Let me root, root root
For the home team
If they don't win
It's a shame
For it's one, two,
Three strikes you're out
At the old ball game!"

Take Me Out to the Ball Game” is a 1908A�Tin Pan AlleyA�song byA�Jack NorworthA�andA�Albert Von Tilzer


Click ‘Continue Reading’ to read about our first experience at a Baseball game, with glorious PICTURES.

The above song sums up our amazing night at Yankee Stadium on Sunday where we saw the Yankees play the Boston Red Sox’s. It was an evening of firsts, with our first NY subway ride up to the Bronx to the stadium (Ash to describe the subway in detail later in the blog) and stepping into the impressive Yankee Stadium. We had no idea where our seats were, so asked the first staffA�member for directions,A�like normal tourist do (we have become quiet good at asking staff for assistance). Once we had bought our first Hot Dog (with saur kraut) and a drink, we located our seat and were really impressed with our view of the pitch and all the stadium had to offer. Other firsts weA�enounteredA�while waiting the game to start was our first stubby of Bud, slice of NY Pizza, soft Pretzel and bag of CrackerJacks.

Shoddy panoramic shot – CLICK FOR HUGE.

The Baseball game was amazing, not just theA�experienceA�of watching it live, but the crowd involvement. As there is a short bit of down time between innings etc. the crowd cheering and involvement is great. Clapping and chanting, the players must really have to zone out to keep their focus. We had a group of fans in our row going for Ichiro Suzuki, other players we chanted for were Jeter, Swisher and Martin (Russell Martin scored the only HR of the game).

DefinatelyA�recommendA�anyone (sport fans or not) toA�experienceA�a ball game if visiting the US – So worth the time and cost.

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